257 research outputs found

    First-principles molecular structure search with a genetic algorithm

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    The identification of low-energy conformers for a given molecule is a fundamental problem in computational chemistry and cheminformatics. We assess here a conformer search that employs a genetic algorithm for sampling the low-energy segment of the conformation space of molecules. The algorithm is designed to work with first-principles methods, facilitated by the incorporation of local optimization and blacklisting conformers to prevent repeated evaluations of very similar solutions. The aim of the search is not only to find the global minimum, but to predict all conformers within an energy window above the global minimum. The performance of the search strategy is: (i) evaluated for a reference data set extracted from a database with amino acid dipeptide conformers obtained by an extensive combined force field and first-principles search and (ii) compared to the performance of a systematic search and a random conformer generator for the example of a drug-like ligand with 43 atoms, 8 rotatable bonds and 1 cis/trans bond

    Impact of vibrational entropy on the stability of unsolvated peptide helices with increasing length

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    Helices are a key folding motif in protein structure. The question which factors determine helix stability for a given polypeptide or protein is an ongoing challenge. Here we use van der Waals corrected density-functional theory to address a part of this question in a bottom-up approach. We show how intrinsic helical structure is stabilized with length and temperature for a series of experimentally well studied unsolvated alanine based polypeptides, Ac-Alan-LysH+. By exploring extensively the conformational space of these molecules, we find that helices emerge as the preferred structure in the length range n=4-8 not just due to enthalpic factors (hydrogen bonds and their cooperativity, van der Waals dispersion interactions, electrostatics), but importantly also by a vibrational entropic stabilization over competing conformers at room temperature. The stabilization is shown to be due to softer low-frequency vibrational modes in helical conformers than in more compact ones. This observation is corroborated by including anharmonic effects explicitly through \emph{ab initio} molecular dynamics, and generalized by testing different terminations and considering larger helical peptide models

    Thermodynamic equilibrium conditions of graphene films on SiC

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    First-principles surface phase diagrams reveal that epitaxial monolayer graphene films on the Si side of 3C-SiC(111) can exist as thermodynamically stable phases in a narrow range of experimentally controllable conditions, defining a path to the highest-quality graphene films. Our calculations are based on a van der Waals corrected density functional. The full, experimentally observed (6 sqrt(3)x 6 sqrt(3))-R30 supercells for zero- to trilayer graphene are essential to describe the correct interface geometries and the relative stability of surface phases and possible defects

    Length Dependence of Ionization Potentials of Trans-Acetylenes: Internally-Consistent DFT/GW Approach

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    We follow the evolution of the Ionization Potential (IP) for the paradigmatic quasi-one-dimensional trans-acetylene family of conjugated molecules, from short to long oligomers and to the infinite polymer trans-poly-acetylene (TPA). Our results for short oligomers are very close to experimental available data. We find that the IP varies with oligomer length and converges to the given value for TPA with a smooth, coupled inverse-length-exponential behavior. Our prediction is based on an "internally-consistent" scheme to adjust the exchange mixing parameter α\alpha of the PBEh hybrid density functional, so as to obtain a description of the electronic structure consistent with the quasiparticle approximation for the IP. This is achieved by demanding that the corresponding quasiparticle correction, in the GW@PBEh approximation, vanishes for the IP when evaluated at PBEh(αic\alpha^{ic}). We find that αic\alpha^{ic} is also system-dependent and converges with increasing oligomer length, allowing to capture the dependence of IP and other electronic properties.Comment: 22 pages with 9 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Molecular Virology of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV): 2006 Update

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    Fascinating progress in the understanding of the molecular biology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) was achieved recently. The replicon system revolutionized the investigation of HCV RNA replication and facilitated drug discovery. Novel systems for functional analyses of the HCV glycoproteins allowed the validation of HCV receptor candidates and the investigation of cell entry mechanisms. Most recently, recombinant infectious HCV could be produced in cell culture, rendering all steps of the viral life cycle, including entry and release of viral particles, amenable to systematic analysis. In this review, we summarize recent advances and discuss future research directions

    Large-scale surface reconstruction energetics of Pt(100) and Au(100) by all-electron DFT

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    The low-index surfaces of Au and Pt all tend to reconstruct, a fact that is of key importance in many nanostructure, catalytic, and electrochemical applications. Remarkably, some significant questions regarding their structural energies remain even today, in particular for the large-scale quasihexagonal reconstructed (100) surfaces: Rather dissimilar reconstruction energies for Au and Pt in available experiments, and experiment and theory do not match for Pt. We here show by all-electron density-functional theory that only large enough "(5 x N)" approximant supercells capture the qualitative reconstruction energy trend between Au(100) and Pt(100), in contrast to what is often done in the theoretical literature. Their magnitudes are then in fact similar, and closer to the measured value for Pt(100); our calculations achieve excellent agreement with known geometric characteristics and provide direct evidence for the electronic reconstruction driving force.Comment: updated version - also includes EPAPS information as auxiliary file; related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/th.htm

    Tunable Semiconductors: Control over Carrier States and Excitations in Layered Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites

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    For a class of 2D hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite semiconductors based on π\pi-conjugated organic cations, we predict quantitatively how varying the organic and inorganic component allows control over the nature, energy and localization of carrier states in a quantum-well-like fashion. Our first-principles predictions, based on large-scale hybrid density-functional theory with spin-orbit coupling, show that the interface between the organic and inorganic parts within a single hybrid can be modulated systematically, enabling us to select between different type-I and type-II energy level alignments. Energy levels, recombination properties and transport behavior of electrons and holes thus become tunable by choosing specific organic functionalizations and juxtaposing them with suitable inorganic components